***Click on the images to enlarge***

Friday, June 6, 2008


In west village I decided to focus my photographs in small details that talk by themselves abut the place and the people. In most of the images i captured you can't recognize the whole thing because they are details at big scale. West village is the bohemian side of the City so also that i tried to represent. I enjoyed this shooting day, because i had time to walk a lot in streets that I've never been before and i end up walking home and I took photographs all the way long.


Anonymous said...

Mucha textura, me late...me late.
Las imagenes rojas estan re-buenas, de que son?

michael said...

I think its really good that you decided to move in on your subjects in the west village. I think that being more specific and closing in like this produces better photographs.

jbkopstein said...

i really like the way you collage your images together; they are organized very well and are not only stunning, but interesting to the eye... they make me want to look deeper to find a hidden message ;)

Gogolab said...

I do like the "disruptive art" against police object... I think it's funny and maybe a little realistic ...