The trip to harlem was and adventure itsef. I had to go by myself, which complicated things.
In a single 10 minutes Metro ride is like beeing in a parallel world were all the rush of the city suddenly converts into a slow m otion life. People chating w ith friends, families enjoying their children and kids running in playground.
Most of the photos taken at this field trip were converted to black and w hite to make enfasis on the contrast between Harlem and most of the rest of the city.
The images taken represent my personal view of the n eighborhood.
In the photographs there are some of them wer e people and spe cially faces appeared, and there is a second group of images of objets were you can notice the presence of people but there are not fiscally in the frame.

I am really impressed with the photographs you got in Harlem. There are some great portraits. The shadows on the top one with the man holding the child are really striking and I think the expression on the childs face is captivating.
Same thoughts with Mike... It was hard for me to take pictures of people on the street even when they allow me to, because I am a little nervous and afraid all the time. I really like the composition of the photo of a man with beard and a huge pair of glasses. It looks like there is not much distance between you and him.
The portraits are excellent in B&W. You maintained detail and have good contrast at the same time. They have an intimacy that is hard to capture in street photography. Keep up the good work.
I take a particular interest in your black and white photographs of Harlem.
I love how you show the real people in their real environment. It's amazing how you have had the possibility to capture their emotion. Indeed, when I look at some, I feel a strong connection with those people... I don't know why...
You did a really good job ;)
I really like all of these. Your photos of people especially are very well executed and aesthetically pleasing. You capture moments that I would think only someone close to the subjects would be able to, but it is pleasantly surprising that it was you, a stranger!
me encanto la foto del salon de belleza, no podriapensar en una foto que represente mas los contrastes entre tener un negocio que promueve la belleza y se anuncia con tanto descuido, patetico
tu mama
Mi vida
Me da mucho orgullo de ver la calidez de foto que tomas lav vdd que lente tienes!! disfruta tu experiencia , la foto de la derecha hubiera estado mejor que diga joe y rosy jajajaj!!
i think you did great in harlem. i am surprised how many people you got to pose for you. i love the shot of the older man and the lady. they're lovely and their connection to the camera is great.
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